Diante da acirrada disputa no mercado de trabalho, experiências no exterior como um intercâmbio passaram a ser por demais valorizadas pelos RHs da vida. Claro que quem tem bala na agulha vai fazer intercâmbio na Nova Zelândia, Alemanha, Inglaterra... Eu estou indo pros Estados Unidos, o estino escolhido por quem determinou o programa e criou o concurso de bolsas.
- Estados Unidos é intercâmbio de pobre.- Mas pobre não faz intercâmbio!- Faz sim, se tiver ganhado uma bolsa como eu!
Por isso, estou deixando família, amigos, faculdade, estágio pelo período máximo de 1 ano. Vou fazer parte de outra família. Estou partindo rumo à terra do Bush, do McDonalds, do country e de Hollywood. Não quero fazer a América nem deixar ela me fazer. Quero iluminação, amadurecimento, cultura, histórias pra contar, um melhor currículo, um punhado de dólares e eletrônicos mais em conta! Nessa ordem.
Mas não se preocupem. Nas palavras de Jesus e Schwarzenneger: Eu voltarei!
De Bonsucesso para o mundo:
Natalia Weber tem 21 anos e é estudante de jornalismo da UFF (RJ). Parece uma americana, mas é brasileiríssima. É suburbana com orgulho e está prestes a adentrar nos Estados Unidos. Ela nunca viajou de avião, nunca arrumou uma mala tão grande, detesta McDonalds. Vai ser Au Pair numa família muito boa e com (graças a Deus!) uma criança. Uma criança linda, fofa e maravilhosa. Espera ter bastante tempo pra estudar e espera encontrar bons cursos pra fazer e complementar seu currículo. Espera também aprender a dirigir bem rápido pra se mover lá. Espera conhecer Nova York. Por livre e espontânea pressão, tem a possibilidade de visitar a Disney, mas se não conseguir se livrar dessa, promete enviar uma foto esganando o Mickey! Ela está com muitas saudades dos pais e amigos, por isso espera que eles venham sempre aqui.
*that's the cleanest song from the "Avenue Q" show...
There's a fine, fine line between a lover, and a friend. There's a fine, fine line between reality, and pretend; And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.
There's a fine, fine line between love, and a waste of time
There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale, and a lie. And there's a fine, fine line between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye". I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime
But there's a fine, fine line between love, and a waste of your time
And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore. I don't think that you even know what you're looking for. For my own sanity I've got to close the door And walk away... Oh...
There's a fine, fine line between together, and not. And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted, and what you got. You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime.
There's a fine, fine line between love, and a waste of time.
É que tem mta coisa que eu não escrevi no blog, não escrevi quando estava blogando no MySpace (ficou chato... vamos ver se o Blogger dá um gás...)
A última coisa que eu tentei escrever no blog do MySpace foi a minha saga no Thanksgiving & Black Friday. Fiz um post enooooorme e pra variar eu cliquei em algum lugar errado, o treco não salva automáticamente e pronto, perdi tudo. Frustrated & confused, eu desisto, xerife!
Poxa, tinha ficado um post bem legal, mais ou menos à altura da verdadeira SAGA vivida naqueles dois dias... ou melhor, na semana toda.
Vamos ver se rola uma retrospectiva... muita coisa já deve ter saído da memória.
Primeiro que por aqueles dias eu finalmente fechei minha viagem pra Califórnia. Fiz o booking no hostel e comprei as passagens. Claro que não foi fácil, claro que eu relutei muito, claro que eu tive que aguentar mta lição de moral do Greg, mas a questão é que eu tinha que me preparar psicologicamente pra encarar um negócio desses sozinha. Mas era isso: ou eu ficava sozinha em casa remoendo pq eu não fui capaz de come up with alguma coisa útil pra fazer, ou eu ia e via no que ia dar.
Também pq eu ainda tinha remotas esperanças (já descobri que, na minha vida, ter mta esperança virou problema!) de que a host da Daiana ia liberá-la no natal.
Acontece que na segunda-feira da semana do Thanksgiving a Daiana acorda e vai começar mais um dia de trabalho, mas para sua desagradável surpresa a tia infoma que ela estava (arbitrariamente) de férias!! Tipos Caminhão do Faustão chegando na sua casa dizendo que você ganhou uma geladeira jogando confete na sua cabeça... Yuuuupiiiiiii!!
Só que não teve graça, lógico...
Daiana podia ter feito escândalo, mas no calor do sono ela deu meia volta e foi dormir de novo, na esperança de acordar do sonho - pesadelo, quero dizer. Mas não, né? Era aquilo mesmo.
Aí ela me liga e conta a história. Pronto, lá se vai a esperança de convencer a tia a liberar a Daianinha no natal, a gente tentou explicar que a semana do Natal é relax, mas ela insistiu que ia ter que comparecer ao escritório todo dia e mesmo a gente achando suspeito, o que fazer, né mesmo? Ela tava tentando convencer a Daiana a tirar as férias no Thanksgiving já há um tempo, mas Daiana não tinha nenhum plano, nada acertado, acabou que a tia "acertou" por ela... maldade...
A gente então adotou a Daiana e ela iria passar o Thanksgiving com a gente.
Greg comprou os pratos da ceia de Thanksgiving e deu uma de "host da Daiana" fazendo a surpresa não muito agradável de me nomear a responsável pela ceia, que era pro meu próprio aprendizado: como organizar uma ceia, módulo avançado, Thanksgiving mode (tá certo que Brasil não comemora Thanksgiving, terei que no futuro reconfigurar o que aprendi para Páscoa mode, Natal mode e Véspera do Ano Novo mode).
Aí eu dei uma de engineer e fiz uma tabela de quando colocar os pratos no forno, quando retirar o papel laminado e quando retirar de uma vez do forno. Quase que nao sobre tempo pra eu me arrumar, me senti a Cinderela...
Mas aí acabou dando tudo certo. Pai do Greg veio também e todos gostaram da ceia (agradeçam ao Wegman's que vendeu tudo pronto, só precisava esquentar!)
Mais legal que rolou de uma storm começar a se aproximar. O dia estava bem quente até então e de uma hora pra outra uma nuvem esquisita e um strange, strange wind (alguém falou "Joana D'arc"??) derrubaram a temperatura drasticamente.
Video da nuvem bizarra pra ilustrar!
Continuando... nesse dia eu aprendi o que era a tal Black Friday... e vou te contar, é uma coisa realmente dark & punk!! As lojas fazem uma liquidação e a galera vai pra fila na madruga pra garantir os descontos. Até aí eu tava tranqüila, mas pra variar o Greg inventa de me convencer a ir atrás do laptop na promoção do Best Buy, e que pra isso era bom eu ir pra fila meia-noite. Nem pensar!!!! Aliás, pra que outro laptop, né?
Bom, além do preço estar muito bom, e eu poderia trocar o laptop e vender o outro, pra entender a fundo a história vocês precisam conhecer o Greg, e isso eu sei muito bem... Ele que me convenceu a comprar o primeiro laptop, eu comprei, mas só depois descobri que o tal não gravava DVD e fiz uma reclamação, tipos dizendo que eu não tive tempo de pesquisar pra poder comprar o que eu queria, já que ele que quase me arrastou pra ir comprar o tal primeiro. E aí pronto, ele não tirou da cabeça que eu queria um melhor (além de ter tomado pro lado pessoal, lógico), e se eu queria um melhor, seria bom pegar um na promoção, certo?
É, mas pra entender porque eu fiquei tão chateada com a insistência tem que me conhecer bem. E quem me conhece bem sabe que eu não gosto de gastar dinheiro!!!!
Depois de muita estressação na minha cabeça, eu, já com sono de ter comido o tradicional turkey (aparentemente peru tem propriedades soníferas), deu um "eu desisto, xerife!" e fui me retirar pro meu quarto... para minha alegria, Daiana, Thaissa e Mason vieram me animar...
Anyways, finalmente conseguimos acertar um plano pra Black Friday e decidimos que eu e a Daiana íamos tentar pegar os laptops no Circuit City e que era pra gente estar lá às 4 da matina. Lógico que a frente fria já tinha chegado, já tava frio à pampa...
Tá, onde eu parei? Então... a gente chegou lá às 4 AM e a fila já estava quilométrica. Pra nossa desagradável surpresa descobrimos que já tinham distribuído vouchers pros laptops todos, é isso aí, agora chora... Até a gente descobrir isso a gente já tava na loja no meio do furacão. Aí alguém me diz que se eu quisesse podia ficar por ali, perto da fila onde tavam trocando os vouchers pelos laptops, pq podia ser que rolasse uma desistência. Aí eu pensei "yeah, right...", mas fazer o q, fiquei ali de urubuza, um casal falou que rolava msm, eles tinha conseguido um voucher na desistência.
(Dica da blogueira: não se esqueça desse casal, ok?)
Taí que não é que eu encontro uma perdida com dois vouchers pensando se ia ou não ia pegar os dois laptops? Aí eu comecei a persuasão. Tive que ir pagar uns sd cards que eu já ia levar e deixei a Daiana de plantão do lado da talzinha. Ela tava pedindo 50 pila pra liberar o voucher. Eu nem tinha, e msm assim é sacanagi... mas a gente tava ali apelando pro holiday spirit within her. A menina ligou pros todos os parentes indianos (ela era indiana e ô gente pra ter parente) pra saber se alguém queria, fez a gente sair da loja atrás dela no frio, a gente não arredou o pé, duas zagueiras na marcação cerrada, Vasco deveria contratar a gente, pq no final ela perguntou pela última vez se eu não tinha money, eu disse não, ela deu o voucher na minha mão e disse "merry christmas". Eu abobalhei...
Saltitantes, regressamos à fila pra retirar o bendito laptop. Tamo lá ainda recuperando da vitória, quando passa do nosso lado aqueeeele casal da história lá de cima. O cara olha pra cara da Daiana e diz assim na normalidade:
- Do you wanna a laptop? Here you go!
E dá um voucher na mão da Daiana e sai.
Querem que eu repita?????? O TIO DEU UM VOUCHER NA MÃO DA DAIANA!
Aí ela acabou que levou o bendito pro tio dela.
Mas hein...
Depois de horas naquele Circuit City, com fome e cansadas, ainda fomos pro Dulles Town Center pegar umas rebarbas no JC Penney's, encontramos a Nathalia e a Thaissa, comemos e ainda passei no Wal-Mart pra comprar o presente de natal que eu dei pra família aqui, uma waffle maker.
Depois disso eu só queria dormir...
E medaaa de usar o laptop novo, hein?? Descobri que o bicho era poderoso demais, todo cheio das papagaiadas, tipos que eu nunca ia poder andar com ele no Rio... se o antigo era trabalhador, esse é mto fresco, o Greg ficou babando nele e até fez menção de comprar de mim... pelo preço bruto sem re-bate nem taxa! Aí é difícil, né??? E o meu ESTRESSISS????
Yaaay, post longooo... se vc conseguiu chegar até aqui faça o favor de dar uma opinião sobre A SAGA...
Postface/Preface to an adventure If within a long time of blurreness I can get brief moments of clearness, it's probalby worth it.
Sorry, I can only feel it, I would like to explain it in words...
Then again, I act blind, but I know I'm blind. I know I don't know much, I'm really down-to-earth on this one. I never pretend I'm something I'm not, I couldn't, I'm a bad liar, and I'm see-through.
So I don't fight back, because I know I don't have enough weapons to retaliate.
I let it pass. It won't make any difference, unless I was army strong, full of reason. But there's no reason, when it gets so personal...
Somehow I understand why it's happening. I was taught how to do this by someone I never thought would talk to me about deep emotions and feelings once shared (by me only, always). We live, we learn.
"When I'm old and nostalgic I'll look back and remember these days. I will remember you. But in spite what you do, I'll try my best to remember the good things. Yes, it' my choice to keep the good things inside my memories. Because how terrible life would be if I woke up every morning feeling the pain from all that has ever happened to me in my life? Like, how would life be if we could remember the pain of being born... I would be lying on the bathroom floor crying all day. But nothing good would come after me there. No one would come to my help. I have to get up and live, hoping and making my best to see good things happening. And if I get hits like this while I'm standing up, imagine what they would do to me if I was laying on the ground..."
Brazilian Film Festival in DC, last day yesterday. Obviously, 99% attending were brazilian. We sensed intellectual and au-pair vibes there. Daiana and I lost eachother at the metro station. Thank God everything worked out right, but we got really worried... It turn out very nice. It felt great to see some beloved brazillian actors, to hear portuguese, to understand the jokes and see how they tried to translate them in english subtitles (I can't wait to see how can they make "Elite Squad" subtitles. What a challenge it will be! It'll be so funny. I warned Daiana: we'll be expelled from the theater. I speak for myself... I won't be able to control my laughter!).
Thing is, after that, we took the last metro to Vienna, and arrived there 11h30. And we were so so hungry, we had to eat something. And anything would go! I knew some McDonald's have 24 hours drive-thru, so the quest for Golden Arches began. Seriously, I never craved a McDonald's burger like that before. When our hunt was finally over, we devoured those burgers and fries with such ferocity. It was crazy... The night wasn't over, still had to drive a lot to get home. But it was worth it. Daiana and I, we went on an adventure!
---- p.s.: "Yosemite at winter is a pristine wonderland of bright sunny days, snowy meadows, icicle-draped pines and oaks, alpine-glow sunsets, rainbowed waterfalls and snow-encrusted mountaintops. The breathtaking majesty of a Yosemite at winter is simply unparalleled." I hope so... It's done.
"We're sohelpless We're slaves to our impulses We're afraid of our emotions And no one knows where the shore is We're divided by the ocean And the only thing I know is That the answer isn't for us"
You don't need to be crazy to live here but it helps!
Phrase is a quote from the book I've been reading, "In Cold Blood", by Truman Capote. The reading is evolving well...
Things are still blurred. I let myself feast my eyes with something, I think I shouldn't. It's soooo... ethereal, I can almost feel it, but it's not true, it doesen't exist, at least it wasn't suppose to exist... it only makes me sad and anxious, for I can do anything else than lament my bad luck.
He's my number.
Plus, I got into an awkward misunderstanding with this person. I'm usually nice and under other circunstances I'd worry about it, but right now, I've got better (I mean, worse and more difficult) things to ponder about.
So, yeah, things are still blurred and I'm still sitting, waiting, wishing.
Thoughts come to me, I can't help it. And when they come, I fell like screaming, I feel like breaking things. I wanna destroy an hotel room, just like the rockstars! I don't know if they, when crash a room, feel the same thing as me, but I can totaly relate to this feeling... you have so much inside you, you... just...wanna...break...things!
To throw a glass of red wine to a white wall, as soap operas show! That scene is good, along with slidding slowly down to the floor with your back against the wall... crying!
It's useless to respond to problems with drama. I need a plan!
What's this for? Does this reall help my life? Does it really reflects what I know?
I'd rather be, instead of knowing.
---- There's so much I need to decide NOW, really important things. It's not easy at all, everything is still messy and blured and no one can help. This is definetly too much for me and I end up totaly paralized. It's an awful feeling, I need help... HELP!!
We had a slumber party with ice-cream and screams. We also danced and watched funny things till late late ours. We wasn't feeling that well. Or bad either. Just outta our minds. Not because what was to come, because of everything, mixed feelings pilling on our backs like tiles, something we can't explain, we just... feel.
Maybe jumping off with a parachute, swimming in a freezed lake, screaming on a valley, dancing our blues out helps.
We woke up late. We talked. We ate. We wandered. We spent the day in Starbuckses.
We need to be thrilled. Somehow. We need to be filled with sweet sugary goodness.
Overwhelming Life overwhelms me... the day-by-day life. I've been with my head full, and when that happens, it makes you sort of numb, and you stop caring about little stupid things that would bother you when you had nothing better to ponder about...
But I still want to care and cherish the beautiful small things. It's hard when you're so keen to one single problem... I don't want to just brush into things I should hold so dear because of a useless, stupid feeling, and I should stop hoping that things will eventualy and magicaly turn my way. Then I would enjoy better the fact that Thaissa pretended to be my baby, or the fact that Daiana is being a great friend, or that I smelled the smell of winter (winter in Brazil, fall here - is a wet grass smell, can't explain it better), or that I'm doing a very crazy thing for the first time, dragging Daiana with me, of course. I don't want to divulge details right now, let's just say it's Starbucks, and we are scared!
Starbucks+scared, that can be good... didn't work the first time!
Quote of the day:
Capitão Nascimento: [to Neto] Take off this black uniform because you don't deserve it! Take it off! [slaps him] Capitão Nascimento: You're not a "skull", you're a kid!
De-dork myself It's over now (next month there's more!), I can feel a little bit of freedom... of course, this feeling would me much much better if I had a good exam... which I didn't!
Mrs. McKee is officially crazy and one can never EVAH get inside her head. She's one surprising sneaky M.A.D. lady.
Daiana and I studied a lot. Of course, both of us fought against ourselves in the everlasting battle for concentration. Me, I'm the worse... She came up with a list of over 50 terms that could be on that exam, and they seemed very right. We worked hard defining each of them, reaserching, reading, debating, seeking political significance or whatever that is... Somehow she manages to make everyone freak out.
I know I did, I almost could not finish the test and I only finished writting poorly the last definitions, which means that I'm getting no A...
One girl got out f class in the end and screammed in the hall. That very moment I was handing in my exam. The teacher looked appalled, and I looked at her and said: "Oh, I'm gonna do the same thing!"
I really, really, really want to scream... because of... everything!
Anyways, the other crazy thing of the day was attending a group study with my fellow students. I planned going to the library straight from Thaissa's school, 'cause I wouldn't concetrate at home. Getting there I found Michael, and he asked me if I had came for the group study. I said "whaaaat"??
It was a good idea for mingling in, but not a very good idea for studying though. Slowly, a good number of people arrived, all going over the terms they thought it would be in the exam, talking this, talking that. Professor Michael was at writting on the board, all "ask-me-if-you-have-doubts", but in reality he sounds confusing. I just wanted to read the book and my notes and hopefor the best. That display of dorkiness was driving me nuts.
Finally Daiana arrived, and she brought lunch! She's so great...
Daiana, if you a were a man I would marry you, if you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor...
She missed it, she would have lots of fun there... now I need to de-dork myself.
Leaving there we bumped into the teacher and told her how crazy her test was! She was all "why?? I don't understand"... We were in poor shape, I hugged the brazilian we ran into in the hall, she must think I'm crazy, April was almost crying, poor thing... Mrs. McKee is MEAN!!!!
9 a.m. Philosophy I guess I still think there's perfect people. I know I talked about being right, but we can put one inside the other and just say that perfect people are also right, and forget the theory where you can be perfect but not right in the context.
Nobody is perfect, but for me some people are more perfect than others. I also can say that perfection is a matter of perception. You perceive a person as perfect, inside your little universe. A perfect person also has flaws, but they're are also perfect. I believe you love someone for ther flaws anyway. When you know somone's flaws, and realize you can bear them and, to make matters worse, you're drown to lovin' the person because of them. It's sick, it's beautiful.
I want to write a screenplay!!!
"There's no way back now and I don't care. I've reached a certain place where it doesn't matter if the results are good or bad. I'm glad if things just settle. I don't think I'll ever regret not being with you. I won't cry for you, or for what could've happened. If we got to know each other better, we'd probably realize how incompatible we really are. But I'll regret not showing you who I am. For some reason I failed in that, and everytime we walked away from each other I knew I just did everything wrong, but it was to late. I guess I've been under a lot of pressure. I could never be myself near you. I'll regret that."
---- People always talk about drunk-calling/dialing, but now the new technologies created a new kind of threat: drunk-typing! I always do it, except that I do it sober, but obviously without my proper senses...
I haven't noticed it until Daiana mentioned it happened to her (well, now I would like to know if it happens to everybody, but whatever...). Is that everytime she goes to Starbucks , she gets the same "The way I see it" phrase.
"I think it's trying to tell me something!", she said.
The thing is, the same happens to me! It's the way I see it 291:
"In a world where celebrity equals talent, and where make-believe is called reality, it is most important to have real love, truth and stability in your life." -- Bernie Brillstein, film and television producer.
I think it's trying to tell me something... all I can say is that... I'm trying, I really am. But it's hard.
Getting outta Starbuck in Vienna, I open the door and a man pass quickly, almost not looking, but with enough time to say "How are you doin', sunshine?"
Oh, the smalls things of life that makes it sweet...
Got outta house uber-late for my meeting. My coordinator chose a place easy to go but far far away. The trip there was beautiful, though. The trees with the fall colors, the little, rich towns. It was a straight road to natural beauty, Mark Ronson with me, it was great.
I reached the farm and found out I wasn't the last to arrive. We talk, I met new girls, walked around. The weather was crispy, everyone very cold with heavier coats. I was using my historic brazilian soccer jersey and jeans jacket, and I was feeling great. Everyone was shocked... I just love the cold weather!
Long way to Vienna, to meet Camila and Candy. From there all the way to Greenbelt, then a bus to BWI, then Martha would pick us up. But the "trip" was alright, talked to Candy a lot. I like her, for her pop-culture background. She is the only one I know who could pick up the line "you gotta fight for your right...". Poor thing, her host-family is terrible, well, it's not a family to her... she doesn't mind, though...
Martha comes with problems and complications, as always. I just couldn't worry at that minute. After all, we should be celebrating. The mood was dangerously pending to the other way around, and a bunch of complicated au pair tales were thrown at me, which I hate. "Let's not talk about it, ok?"
Stick to the plans, Red Robin and public display of craziness. Talking, making fun of the waiter (he was cranky but got way better when felt in love with me). Finally met Ludmilla, she is nice and very funny. She was sitting in front of the tv, a football game was on, she couldn't take her eyes off it. I sort of knew why. Also knew that the mood of the night was changing from mindless-complications to bitter-let's-just-try-to-laugh-about-it-frustration. And that's something I can totally relate to!
Back (to Martha's home), sneaking, we start the slumber party. She puts on a teen movie (I wouldn't expect otherwise - she also loved the High School Musical shirt I gave her, and the Disney hood sweater) and we crack open a alcohol-less champagne. We are crazy enough, we don't need alcohol! Seriously... Ludmilla's witty-bitter-fustrated comments on it were awesome! I don't recall laughing so hard in a long time.
Next day, we where blessed with one more hour of sleep, because the time changed. Waiting for Ludmila to come back, so we could go to Baltimore, I had time to introduce Candy to Sufjan Stevens (she loved Chigago). The mood was still on, for everybody! I showed to her all the rip-your-heart songs from my mp3 player. Anyway, we where to lazy and without-destination... after a long time we did head to Baltimore, but they barely found strengh to walk around. Stop to watch a street-performer, stop to look at the gossip magazines at Barnes and Noble (seriously, there's better stuff there..), stop at any bench... It was kinda chilly, I give them that... yeah, no one was very excited. I had a sore throat, to top it all.
We wanted to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. We got there late, waited an hour to be sitted, one hour to choose-bring the dishes, plus dessert later. That's what we wanted to do anyway, sit and eat and talk and be very lazy at it...
It was dark already, we got back, everyone feeling sick of eating so much. We had to go all the way back now. Oooh... Listening Corrine Bailey Rae's cd in the car was great. Got to read a little bit of my text book waiting for the bus, reached the metro, with crazy happy people to laugh about. I'm usually part of a group public displaying craziness, but watching another one is good too! Candy made me listen "Hey Jude" again with her, which is always a beautiful ephiphany...
Tired, sleepy, w/ a sore throat, I finally reached the car, and Mark Ronson, and came back home, crossing w/ a deer in the way... gosh, I'm afraid of them!
Anyway, things worked fine. Great to come back. My place, my bed, where nothing is mine, but for a while I get to pretend...
Happy birthday, Martha. Wise up, but don't lose yourself in it!
I'm sure there some crazy things that ony happens to me... No matter where I go, I seem to atract unusual experiencies...
So the traffic light outside NOVA takes forever, and I mean FOREVAH!, to turn green, right? And when it does turns green, it only stays green for like 2 seconds, right? So it jams the whole thing when everybody gets outta class, and everybody is driving their cars (and of course talking on the cell phone - what's with this cell phone obsession anyway? The minute people walk outta class, or get into their cars, they've got the phone attached to their ears already. I hate that, it slows people down, it takes their attention... is there something that important that can't wait? Seriously, it ticks me off)... where was I? Yes... everybody's got a car, no buses around here...
Oh, wait! There was a bus, or sort of, like it, behind me. So there was I, driving towards the road, on that lane where you can either turn to the right or go ahead. The traffic light turns red, before I had even reched the white line in the road. What to do? Wait, right? I had Mark Ronson with me, things where fine...
And then this guy approaches me, knocks on my window, I turn down Ronson, I open the window:
-"Hey, why didn't you go?"
-"Why didn't you go?"
-"The light was red!"
-"It was yellow."
-"I'm sorry, sir, but the light was red! Did you want me to go through the red light?"
-"(add strange foreing accent I didn't identify) You had to move... you know?... I have a bus over here... you are holding me... you know? This kinda thing is what causes accidents!" (then leaves)
-"(screamming outside the window) REALLY?? Going through the red light it's MUCH WORSE!!!!!!"
I turn Ronson up, the light turns green, I stepped on the gas as hard as I could to go as fast as I could. I go straight, the bus turns right.
Was he pissed about the fact that I was waiting to just go straight, and he wantes (really bad as it seems) to turn right? If you don't know, you can make right turns when the light is red here (if there's no car coming). Except that, you CAN'T MAKE RIGHT TURNS ON RED AT THAT TRAFFIC LIGHT! So, was he planning to break the rules there? Isn't that the kinda thing that, you know... CAUSES ACCIDENTS?
Was he so in a hurry that he wanted me to go ahead even when the light was red, so that I could, you know... CAUSE AN ACCIDENT?
Seriously... that kinda thing only happens to me... Funny how people puts themselves in that kinda situation... the guy walked out of his bus to come ask me why didn't I go ahead (on red?). What's wrong with that person?? Seriously...